For quite a while I have wanted to combine a hymn with a work from the genius, George Frideric Handel. His oratorio Messiah is simply too perfect though. I found myself backing away from the idea, afraid I wouldn’t do it justice.
In Messiah, Handel immortalized John the Beloved’s angelic praise: “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. … Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever” (Revelation 5:12–13). I can’t touch that! So I put it out of my mind.
Over time my thoughts kept drifting back to Handel. I decided to pull out one of my super thick volumes of Piano Classics sheet music (that I don’t nearly pull out often enough.) On the cover it reads: THE LIBRARY OF PIANO CLASSICS - A COMPENDIUM OF THE WORLD’S MOST BELOVED MUSIC. A SPLENDID ARRAY OF PIECES THAT OVER THE YEARS HAVE CAPTURED THE IMAGINATION OF MUSIC LOVERS. MENTION A TITLE THAT IS UNIVERSALLY KNOWN AND LOVED AND, CHANCES ARE, YOU WILL FIND IT IN THIS VOLUME. . . Opened it up to Handel. Only two of his works were included, and as luck would have it, one of them jumped out at me. It was his beautiful piece Largo.
So here you go — a piano arrangement of Glory to God on High & Handel’s Largo. The hymn should probably be taken a little faster, and Largo a little slower. Oh well, I guess just find the tempo that works for you.
Glory to God on high!
Let heav’n and earth reply.
Praise ye his name.
His love and grace adore,
Who all our sorrows bore.
Sing aloud evermore:
Worthy the Lamb!
Jesus, our Lord and God,
Bore sin’s tremendous load.
Praise ye his name.
Tell what his arm has done,
What spoils from death he won.
Sing his great name alone:
Worthy the Lamb!
Let all the hosts above
Join in one song of love,
Praising his name.
To him ascribed be
Honor and majesty
Thru all eternity:
Worthy the Lamb!
Text: James Allen
Revelation 5:9-13
Click HERE to download free sheet music