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Over time I have written a number of songs. I will continue to add them to this blog so, please, keep coming back to see what's new.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King

Another favorite of mine. I have always loved this hymn and a sweet memory
associated with it.  The memory is elusive, almost like a dream and as with many of my memories this one occurred in the little chapel from my youth.

My Grandma Jennie loved music. On this occasion she organized a small group of
young girls to sing a few hymns in church. I would have been about 8 or 9 years old. I
am pretty sure that my sisters Julie and Dineen took part as well, along with a handful of others. With Hugh Dougall’s words and melody, we sang our hearts out. The
experience left me with a warm feeling inside. I am thankful for a loving grandmother
who provided us with opportunities at a young age that allowed our understanding of Jesus to grow.

Jesus of Nazareth,
Savior and King!
Triumphant over death,
Life thou didst bring,
Leaving thy Father’s throne,
On earth to live,
Thy work to do alone,
Thy life to give.

Prelude No. 8: Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King

Click HERE to download free sheet music

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