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Over time I have written a number of songs. I will continue to add them to this blog so, please, keep coming back to see what's new.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Piano Interlude

This offering is just a simple piano composition.  When repeated it takes a whopping one minute and 15 seconds to play.  I can’t remember when I wrote it, but I must have played it for Chuck back when he was finishing up his bridge documentary because he liked it enough to include it in his film.

What is fun about this piece is what I did with it as an afterthought.  I took the notes from the melody and modified the rhythms so that they were more or less of equal duration.  I then infused them into a reprise of the film’s main theme for use while the closing credits rolled.  Pay attention to the music at around the minute and a half marker of the video.  See if you recognize the melody the second time around.

Click HERE to download free sheet music

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