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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Sing We Now at Parting

Towards the end of his life, prolific author, Neal A. Maxwell wrote a book called One More Strain of Praise. I have always admired Maxwell’s eloquence and perspective, but me being a music lover, I was especially drawn to this title.

In his book he took words from the well-known hymn Sing We Now at Parting for chapter headings; For Unnumbered Blessings, Still the Notes Prolong, and In a Pleasing Way, to name a few. The book’s title itself is also drawn from George Manwaring’s text of the hymn.

Some people believe that books are not to be written in. I have a friend whose personal library
is filled with many books perfectly aligned in bookshelves, all in pristine condition. I’m not that
kind of person. I underline. I highlight. I star and circle passages that jump out at me. I have
noticed from my markings that I can read the same book at different stages of my life and glean entirely different messages each time I read it.

Maxwell writes of the music of faith and how hope is a realistic anticipation that takes the form of a determination. “No wonder souls can be stirred and rallied by real hope’s reveille as by no other music.” My copy of the page where charity is described has quite a few stars scribbled in the margins.

Immediately after arranging this piece I had a tendency to rush through it as I played it. But
after letting the music settle into my heart, I now take it a bit slower, taking time to savor the notes because, according to Maxwell, the music of faith deserves to be prolonged.

Click HERE to download free sheet music

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