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Over time I have written a number of songs. I will continue to add them to this blog so, please, keep coming back to see what's new.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Praise God, from Whom All Blessing Flow

Just pausing for a moment to reflect on my blessings . . .
I’m thankful for warm newborn snuggles from the newest member of our family, grandson Charlie--fresh from heaven.
Recognizing how fragile life is, I’m thankful for health and strength for me and my loved ones.
I am thankful for the opportunity to get out and experience nature in every season.
I’m thankful for Round Table pizza, Auntie Anne’s pretzels, and Brother Jon’s cheese steak.  Well, I am.
I am thankful for a home that is a safe haven from the turbulent world and for peace that comes from above.
I am thankful for music that brings me joy and stills my soul.
I’m thankful for an unbreakable bond that ties me to my ancestors and for sacrifices made that I will never fully comprehend.
Family is everything to me.  I’m thankful for brothers and sisters, children and parents, for cousins and nieces and nephews and grandparents and aunts and uncles, for in-laws and outlaws, and for my husband and grandchildren who light up my life.
Every once in a while the stars align and I get to experience these blessings all at once.  A few months back we celebrated my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary at Bodega Bay.  These are the times to remember.
I’m thankful for good friends and making memories that last forever.
I’m thankful for heavenly parents who know us and love us and are concerned for our welfare. 

          “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
           Praise him, all creatures here below;
           Praise him above, ye heav’nly host;
           Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”
                 -Thomas Ken

  Click HERE to download free sheet music


  1. May I have permission to use this music in livestream of our church service?
